Hi! We’re Eric and Bethany. We have been married for 10 years and have two kids: a boy and a girl. We are backyard farmers with chickens and a big garden. We grow a variety of pumpkins, dozens of vegetables, fruit trees, flowers and more! Eric is a police officer, and coming home to work on our little farm helps him to decompress and relax from his stressful job. Bethany is a stay-at-home mom, taking care of the kids, our schedule, and the home!
Our journey started when Bethany told Eric she wanted a pumpkin patch when they first started dating. Once we bought a house with a big lot, we decided to start our pumpkin patch. During this process we tilled too much, watered too little and depending on the year, genuinely screwed it up. During the process we learned so much about the importance of soil health, and this started us down the path we are on today. Now we can say our pumpkin patch and the rest of our garden is healthy and thriving! We have learned how to prepare our own food from seed to table, finding peace and fulfilment in the process.
We’ve learned a lot during our journey, spending hours of research to learn how to better our garden, helping our chickens have ideal laying conditions, growing our pumpkins, and preparing and preserving what we grow, all while utilizing the space we have!
Follow along with us for tips and tricks in your backyard garden!